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Seeing Deep in a Shallow World

Aug 29, 2021

As we wrap up a month of exploring how to maintain a biblical worldview, Denise shares 5 ways to protect this belief system as we face cultural pressure to abandon this perspective.

Aug 22, 2021

Denise continues the discussion about the need for a biblical worldview. Listen in as she explores the obstacles we must overcome in order to have a worldview focused solely on God. 

Aug 15, 2021

In this last episode for the month, we focus on our worldview and the ability to be culture changers as Denise completes her interview with Dr. George Barna. He shares astounding insights from years of research to equip us to reach the culture right where we are at.  

Aug 8, 2021

Christ told us to be in the world but not of it. Hiding in a holy huddle is not what He had in mind. We are to be culture changers, but that can be a challenge in an ever-changing culture that does not have the Bible as its authority. Being culture changers will require a mindset change. When we overcome a...